Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 18: April 16 to 22

In the start of this week most of my time was spent putting together a photobook for Steve of photos from his week in Sarawak. It took a lot longer than I had anticipated but it was worth it and I got it finished on Wednesday. Tuesday night we went out for dinner at Chillis and got a few groceries afterwards. We saw a friend of Lachlan's from school, Wesley and met his dad. They were keen to get together and have the kids play together. So we went out for dinner with them Wednesday night at the resturant here at Dua, and organised for Wesley to come over Friday afternoon to play and swim. Wesley's dad, Rod is Australian but has been living here for 21 years and his wife, Grace is Chinese Malaysian. Wednesday I ran out of ink as I was printing the photobook and the plan was to take the towels down to the pool, walk to the nearest mall to get printer ink, (its about 700 metres away) then come back, have a swim and come back upstairs. On the way home we got stuck in a flash storm and got back totally soaked! So we didn't go for a swim but the towels we had left downstairs came in handy!
Thursday we spent the day at Kidzania. It is a great concept where the space is set out like a mini town and kids get to try different jobs and get paid in 'kidzos'. Some of the jobs cost kidzos and some they get to be customers. We spent most of the day there and they got to be Pilots, Couriers, Travel Agents, Doctors, CSI Agents, Spies, Computer Builders, Checkout Chicks, Dentists, Security Guards, Lachlan also got to be a Judge while Danae was a witness and Danae was a cutomer at the beauty salon and got her nails done and was a sushi chef where she got to eat the sushi afterwards. It was a great day and we saw some people we knew there as well. We left there at about 5:30 after a really quick walk through IKEA (I bought a vase, so we could get free parking for the whole day) and on the way home I took a wrong turn which wasn't too bad at the time because that way would still bring us home...but at that time of day and the fact that I didn't have the GPS so had to stick with the signs back and the fact that it started to rain it took us 2 hours to get home (it is usually about 25 minutes)...oh the joys of KL traffic.

Friday the kids and I went to the High Comm to pick up some mail and grabbed some lunch at Suria on the way back. Then Wesley came over and we spent most of the afternoon down by the pool until about 5 when the rain came and the boys wanted to play X-box. We ordered pizza and Wesley got picked up shortly afterward.
The weekend was fairly quiet as Steve has a lot of assignments due Friday and then exams the following week.
Saturday morning Steve and the kids went with the NZers for breakfast at Antipodean just a few hundred metres down the road and I met them there a bit later after my Zumba class. Antipodean is becoming very popular with expats around here, they advertise themselves as having Australia/New Zealand breakfasts and they have real bacon. Bacon is easily available to buy here, but it is in a little non-halal corner of the supermarkets and you have to pay for it there because most of the checkout opperators are Malay and wont handle any pork products. But at most restaurants you wont find ham or bacon (except Chinese restaurants) so instead they have turkey bacon or beef bacon, which doesn't really taste like bacon.
The rest of the weekend we spent at home, kids watching movies or on the computer and Steve studying. I went shopping/browsing on Sunday because I hadn't had the opportunity with the kids on holidays.

Here are some photos from Steve's trip to Sarawak a few weeks ago:

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